Wednesday, May 7, 2008

She's sleeping... :)

Today has been quite good so far!! We woke up just before 7, I fed her & watched American Idol from last night, changed her, got myself ready. She fussed (tired, but fighting sleep), so I put her in the swing & she went to sleep. Did laundry, dishes, fixed dinner & put it in the crock pot (I rock!). I then got the diaper bag ready for our afternoon out. She woke up, so I changed her & fed her. Changed her outfit for the second time. Now, she's sleeping & I made myself lunch & ate it.

I'll be feeding her again around 12 & then we're headed to David's Bridal to help my friend Shelly try on her wedding dress after alterations. Hopefully Emma will fall asleep in the car (she usually does) & be good.

I've thought a little about finding a job & yesterday I was very close to applying for something. Then I remembered how terrible it would be to leave her & how much I would miss her & that I'm just not least not yet. I guess it's good to know that maybe it will be an option down the road, but at this point she is too young & I'm just not ready to leave her. There's no way I'm sending her to daycare, at least not this young, & my mom can't really quit her job & keep her for about another year. Not to say that is definitely what I will be doing, but it is an option. I really don't know. The money would definitely be nice & really I'm afraid that if I wait too long to use my degree, I won't be able to get a job in my field at all, if I want to. I guess that's the biggest thing: I feel like I need to get a job soonish so I can use my degree down the road. I kind of planned on going to work after my kids are in school, but that will be years from now & I'm afraid it will be too late. I keep praying about it & I know that if I'm supposed to get a job, I will know it & it will almost fall into my lap, letting me know it's meant to be. Plus, the whole childcare thing will be taken care of. I'm sorry this is totally a ramble & doesn't really make any sense. To summarize, I may be open to looking for a job in the future, but as of right now, I'm not ready to leave Emma.

Ok, it's about time to get her bottle ready. Until next time.

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