Friday, June 29, 2007

iPhone Hysteria

My husband is in love with the iPhone. He's been lusting over it for months, ever since it was announced. We even changed over to The New At&t because of that pesky phone, breaking our prior contract & having to pay....well, a lot of money.

When we signed up at at&t, they had a waiting list of the iPhone. I decided to get one too...he convinced me of it's awesomeness.

Then, one day, it happened. At&t called us both telling us that they were taking away the iPhone waiting list & that corporate said they could have one.

Oh the pain! The heartache! Now we have to get the iPhone the same way as everyone else!

I'm planning to get in line around 4:30 this afternoon. David is going to the store close to where he works (in the middle of nowhere) in hopes that he'll be able to get his phone.

If David didn't have a real job, I honestly believe he'd have been in line since Monday, like those crazies in NYC.

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