Sunday, July 22, 2007

The NEW World of Coca Cola

So 2 weeks ago, when David's cousins were in town, I went with them down to the new Coke Museum. It was really cool.

First, you go into this holding room with all these coke signs on the walls.

Then you watch this cute little movie where they tell you what happens inside a coke machine. Then the characters in the movie do a little "documentary" about their life working for coke. It's real cute.

Then you go upstairs into this big open area and there's cool murals on the walls.

Then go go into all these little rooms with artwork and cars and old coke machines & such.

There was one room with Andy Warhol coke art. There was also a room that was totally decorated in coke stuff.

Not only is there artwork & old coke ads & a mini coke bottler, there's a 4D movie. You wear 3D glasses & then sit in chairs that move around, you get water splashed on you, feel wind in your face, etc. It was probably our very favorite part.

And last, but not least, the guys who I took there!

1 comment:

Fashion Bits said...

loved your pics!

nice blog^^
