Friday, July 6, 2007

Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds

I just love the Beatles...

Good news! I finally decided to associate each song/album I have on iTunes with an album cover. This is most exciting on my iPhone. I can see all the album covers when I'm picking what I wanna listen to. I know this doesn't sound exciting, but if I showed it to you, I promise you'd be impressed.

I met a friend's new man today. He's super nice. I hope he gets along well with my hubby & that there are many double/triple dates in our future.

David bought these.... putty things.... to mold around his earbuds. I helped him do them tonight. They are like silly putty or something, but they form & harden around his earbuds so that they stay in his ears better. I'm not sure why he has such problems, but he does. They're pretty cool, though, just weird.

So I'm very sad with blogger today. I found the blogger to go thingy where you take a picture on your phone & send a text or email to blogger & they post it to your blog for you. Apparently, my phone isn't supported yet. I was bummed because I figured that would be a real good way for me to post a fun picture everyday. It's usually a lot of work for me to post pictures. But really, I'm pretty lazy.

Remember those curtains I said I was going to make? I'm still going to make them.... just this coming week. And there will be pictures. Promise.

In closing, David emailed me this crazy video today: It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time! Don't ask, lol.

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