Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Alright, I'm back...

School started a couple weeks ago. Needless to say, life has gotten pretty hectic. Baby coming. Final semester of college. Yikes!

Baby is doing well. I went to the doctor again two weeks ago & everything looks great! I was too early to hear the heartbeat on the doppler (I was 9 weeks 3 days), so I got to have another ultrasound. Heartbeat is strong & baby is growing right on schedule. Picture is really blurry & you can't see anything, so I'm not going to post this one.

School is ok so far. I have one pretty hard class, but the first test is this Friday, so I'm going to study pretty hard & see how I do (hopefully really well). The other classes I'm not really worried about. I've been doing a pretty good job of keeping up with everything....hopefully that'll last all semester.

Going to school is wearing me out though. I've been so tired & when I get home I usually lay around (& eat a snack!!) Working on the computer for very long makes me sick, so I try to limit how long I'm on at a time. I'm hoping once I get to the 2nd trimester (soon!!) I'll start feeling more like myself. Morning sickness has been kicking my butt off & on since about 6 1/2 weeks. I'm currently 11 weeks 4 days pregnant & around 13 weeks I'll be considered in the 2nd trimester. Woo-hoo!!

Over Labor Day weekend, we went to Kansas & Missouri to visit David's two sets of grandparents. Did you know it takes 12 hours driving to get to Kansas City? Well, it does. And when you're pregnant & have to stop a lot, it ends up taking over 14 hours to get there. Ugh. Needless to say, I was exhausted, even days after we made it home. I was achy & tired & just felt BAD. Not a good idea to drive that far when you're pregnant. Just word to the wise. If we make the trip again while I'm pregnant we will either a) stop in a hotel overnight on the way up & back or b) fly!

At any rate, it was good to see David's grandparents. One set is doing really well & really seemed to enjoy us being there. They took us to lots of places to eat (yay!) and drove us around where they grew up, showing us where their houses were & who lived where & the house they got married in next to the church they went to. We also played some games of Skip-O, which was very fun. It was really sweet & we definitely enjoyed seeing them. We also got to see David's uncle, aunt, & cousins who live nearby, which was very fun.

David's other set of grandparents aren't doing quite as well. They are having trouble getting around, so they are looking into moving into an assisted living type of arrangement. We visited with them a lot and played Phase 10. David's grandpa got me to sing with him on the phone to his brother! His poor brother!! We also got to see another set of David's uncle, aunt, & cousin as well as David's great aunt & great uncle. It really was good to see all of them.

We really were glad we got to see everyone, but hopefully next time, I'll have an easier time getting up there!

I've got to start studying for my test, but I'll write again soon.
Take care,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome back