Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I'm seriously insane

Yesterday & today, I painted. I wish I could say it was a nice piece of art or some such nonsense, but it wasn't. I painted my kitchen.

My kitchen used to be a bright sunny yellow. My husband hated it as soon as he put it on the walls. He tried to talk me out of it & even muted the color without telling me. I loved it & told him we could never change it.

Fast-forward 2 years. The yellow is seriously starting to get on my nerves. I feel stuck in a decortating rut, so I decide to paint the kitchen. I head over to the local Home Depot & pick up like 30 color swatches. I decide I want to go with something in the tan family. I pick a color called Raffia Cream. Sounds good, right?

My husband David tells me that I have to paint the ceiling before I paint the walls. So I do that yesterday afternoon. It took me about 3 hours.

Today, my friend Martha Jane came over & helped me paint. I started trimming around 10am and she got there with lunch at 11:30. We started painting again soon after lunch & finished up around 2:30 or 3. Which seriously, is really fast. The rolled part only took 1 coat, although the trim did take 2. I was really proud of us. I've never painted anything on my own before.

So, all that work & guess what. I think the color is too light. What do you think?

I think the problem is all the white: trim, cabinets. It's just so white! It is starting to grow on me now that I have all my stuff back in there. When I first finished I decided I had the most blah kitchen in the world.

I think it will help when I make curtains with this fabric I bought today. I'm also going to recover the french memo board with it.

David said he liked it, but if we live with it awhile & I still hate it, we can repaint. Good thing paint's cheap!

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